Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sketchbook: Werewolves

A lot of the time, I draw so I can imagine things more clearly. Lately I've been reading about wolves and coming up with stories about werewolves, so naturally I've been doodling them too.

Wondering what a group of werewolves would call themselves.

Posh werewolves would be differently affected by the condition than poor werewolves, I think.

Werewolves when it's not the full moon.

I don't know why I assume they like smoking jackets so much. (I like smoking jackets and think they're very practical & would save on heating bills - I think smoking jackets should be relaunched in an age of sustainable home heating).

A plain old wolf, wondering why he never got a smoking jacket.
Neighbours wondering what's going on over there in that big house each full moon.

Right. I have to press publish now and leave it at that, because my dog is howling for me. Really.

All pictures (c) Sheena Power.

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