Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Flock of Werewolves

Werewolves. Next to vampires, nothing beats them for existential angst. I have to say I'm a little bit tired of vampires, although I was besotted with them when I was a teenager. Werewolves are more to my taste now. They're fond of the countryside and like a good run. Also, vampires spend far too much time on their hair.

Barry Dransfield's folk ballad 'The Werewolf' gets the atmosphere just right, I think. And Mr Dransfield appears to have eyebrows that meet in the middle.

The short story 'Gabriel Ernest' by Saki is also beautifully wolfish.

Terry Pratchett's lady-wolf, Angua, is a vegetarian (echoing Eric Morecambe's Reluctant Vampire). I'm a veggie myself and it can be difficult to achieve the 'nom' factor in meat-be-gone dishes. Here is my favourite cold-weather, repressed-carnivore recipe, specially devised for abstaining werewolves. It's very approximate and you should change the quantities & add seasonings to your own taste.

Smoked Tofu & Butterbean Stew

- In a medium pot: two large potatoes, cubed, 1-2 cloves garlic, whole, 4 cups water, one made with a stock cube (Kallo French Onion stock is good). Boil, simmer till potatoes are very soft. Liquidise very smooth.

- In a large skillet or pot: Fry 1-2 chopped onions, 1 tablespoon mustard powder, 1 teaspoon asfoetida (if you have it) till onion is soft. (Other possible additions: pinch salt, ground coriander, ground cumin, thyme).

- Add potato mixture and 1 drained can of butterbeans, and thinly sliced firm smoked tofu (which you can get in health shops like Nourish on Wicklow Street, Dublin 2, or the Quay Coop in Cork). Heat through and serve.

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